Monday, August 10, 2009

Stop, Drop and Roll

Elliott and I had our first lesson on dialing 911 today. We talked about some scenarios when he should or should not call 911. Tonight as I was putting him to bed, he wanted to continue talking about it. His first scenario was if Daddy was cutting down a tree and it fell on him, then he should call 911. Next, he says, "If Daddy was by the campfire roasting marshmallows and he stepped in the fire, then I should call 911. No...I think I would say, 'Daddy, you should just Stop, Drop and Roll. That'll help ya.'"

Matt wants to know why all of the scenarios involve him being injured.


ACES Wild said...

Hee, hee, hee! :)

lynn said...

matt best be careful. elliott is your son and you are the only one in the family that correctly answered the who killed the sister question!