Friday, May 29, 2009

Fun at the Zoo

Now I'm going backwards in time, which absolutely drives me crazy. I really should update this blog more often. I keep saying that but it never seems to work out. In April, my cousin Mackenzie and her baby girl came to town for a visit. So we chose a brisk spring morning and met up at the zoo for a family trip.

Gigi and Elliott check out the macaws.

Elliott is now tall enough to look through the telescope at the meerkats.
I think he's more interested in the telescope than the animals.

Hands-on exhibit of a tiger skull...a little education is always good.

My sister and niece AKA Aunt Kiki and Savannah


Mackenzie and Kaylynn

Boys and Dirt

We tried out the new dirt playground this morning. The boys had a great time digging and falling down in the dirt. There was a surprisingly high ratio of boys to girls at this particular playground. My advice - take a change of clothes and some wet wipes. There is a restroom for handwashing nearby. Actually, the boys were not as dirty as I expected when we left. Of course the water wasn't turned on today!

It's Sprinkler Time Again!

With the warmer weather, Elliott was ready to get out the caterpillar sprinkler again. He has a blast running around the yard in the water and turning flips in the grass. Aaron on the other hand is not such a fan of the sprinkler. He tried it out, then hunkered down trying to protect himself from that crazy water-squirting caterpillar, and finally retreated to the safety of his wagon. When he was ready to venture out again, he tried his hand at tee-ball and then climbed in the sandbox. Aaron loves playing in the sand. We even got a new sand and water table for the deck so he can stand up and play in the sand and not get quite so messy. He also really enjoys the swing too. Elliott likes to "mow" the grass and check the progress of the seeds we planted. We are really enjoying the spring weather and hope it lasts awhile before the heat of summer kicks in and drives us back inside.