Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Birthday Fun

Here are some pictures from Aaron's first birthday party. He dove right into the cake but didn't put it in his mouth, he just wanted to play with it. I thought I was going to have to repaint the wall behind him. He had lots of fun until Daddy tried to help him eat the cake, and this is the child who will eat almost anything! I love the progression of emotions in these pictures...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Birthday, Aaron!

My sweet baby is one-year-old today. It doesn't seem possible that it's been a whole year since we were at the hospital meeting our little guy for the first time. Aaron is such a joy. He's a good boy, crawling all over the place, laughing at his big brother, and smiling whenever he sees a camera. He has learned a new loud scream (much like his brother's at his age), and will eat just about anything in front of him, except peaches. Yesterday he even tried to bite a friends' dog and ended up with furry lips. He loves baths and ice cream and music. He's very loving but also independent.

We celebrated his birthday today by singing "Happy Birthday" to him at breakfast. And Elliott helped me bake and decorate a "cake." He also got his first haircut today - no more mullet. I think he had a pretty good birthday. I can't wait to see what he does with real cake!

Birthday Boy!

Elliott with the birthday cake he decorated for Aaron

Aaron enjoying his birthday cake!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Smooth Moves

Elliott had a big job this weekend (just like his favorite TV character Handy Manny). He was a ringbearer in a wedding, and thankfully made it successfully down the aisle in his little tuxedo and fancy shoes. At the reception, he revealed a new side of himself and is quite a little dancer! Below is a video of his smooth moves on the dance floor.

Okay, I have to add to this post. Elliott watched his video and said, "Mommy, I'm a rock star in that tuxedo doing my smooth moves." I hope you also burst out laughing as I did!

Funny sayings

The other day Elliott told me, "You're so smart." I wonder how long this will last before I become the complete opposite...hopefully I have another 10 years or so. He also told me, "You're so nice." He is such an encouraging child!

We heard some thunder this evening, and as I was putting Elliott to bed to he asked where the thunder had gone. Without missing a beat, he answered his own question with "maybe God ate it!" I guess it's perfectly reasonable for God to snack on the thunder.

Some of his other funny sayings (at least to his parents):
ponytail holder = hair pony
to shave = raze (as in "Daddy forgot to raze today")
Snot Rod from the movie Cars = Hot Sneezer

And not to leave Aaron out, he has been cracking us up lately by throwing his pacifiers out of his bed when he wakes up. I know he's awake when I start hearing one after another hitting the hardwood floor. But when I go in to get him up, he has always reserved one to keep for himself.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Here are some recent pictures...

It's not a good day till you're good and dirty.

Mom, can I please go mow the yard in my fancy clothes now?

Aaron, 11 months

Our family


The sound of a child laughing is so incredibly sweet. My boys both have great laughs, and the other day I had occasion to witness them laughing hysterically at each other. I couldn't help but laugh too, and had to get the camera to share and remember this sweet, sweet sound.

After this video, Aaron did in fact spill Elliott's drink all over the bed, so I put E in our bed to take his nap. I was leaving to put Aaron down in his crib, and Elliott asked me if Aaron could take a nap with him. I told him that Aaron could fall off the bed so he had to sleep in his crib, and Elliott said, "I'll can hold him real tight." It was such a sweet moment, especially since most of the time Elliott doesn't even acknowledge Aaron. I guess he really does love him after all...or maybe he was just seeking retaliation for the spilled drink.

Little Golfer

Elliott is our little 3-year-old- golfer. He showed such an interest in golf that he got his first club (a left-handed 6 iron) before he was 2 1/2. The obsession continued and he received a golf bag with his own driver, putter, and 7 iron for his 3rd birthday. His daddy's obsession with golf has not waned either. So this August, Matt took Elliott to the driving range for the first time. Since I couldn't go, Matt took the camera to get pictures of his first time on the "real golf course". Elliott loves going to Dick's Sporting Goods and hitting the golf clubs on the little putting green in the golf section. And we have taken him to play putt-putt, but he was terribly excited about this special outing.

Matt recounts a favorite story from their day. When Matt would take a swing and hit a bad shot, he would say, "Oh, come on, Matt!" It didn't take long for E to pick up on that and say, "Oh, come on, Elliott!" when hitting his own less than stellar shot. The boys had a wonderful time bonding on the golf course - the first of many times I'm sure.