Sunday, September 14, 2008

Little Golfer

Elliott is our little 3-year-old- golfer. He showed such an interest in golf that he got his first club (a left-handed 6 iron) before he was 2 1/2. The obsession continued and he received a golf bag with his own driver, putter, and 7 iron for his 3rd birthday. His daddy's obsession with golf has not waned either. So this August, Matt took Elliott to the driving range for the first time. Since I couldn't go, Matt took the camera to get pictures of his first time on the "real golf course". Elliott loves going to Dick's Sporting Goods and hitting the golf clubs on the little putting green in the golf section. And we have taken him to play putt-putt, but he was terribly excited about this special outing.

Matt recounts a favorite story from their day. When Matt would take a swing and hit a bad shot, he would say, "Oh, come on, Matt!" It didn't take long for E to pick up on that and say, "Oh, come on, Elliott!" when hitting his own less than stellar shot. The boys had a wonderful time bonding on the golf course - the first of many times I'm sure.

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