Sunday, September 21, 2008

Funny sayings

The other day Elliott told me, "You're so smart." I wonder how long this will last before I become the complete opposite...hopefully I have another 10 years or so. He also told me, "You're so nice." He is such an encouraging child!

We heard some thunder this evening, and as I was putting Elliott to bed to he asked where the thunder had gone. Without missing a beat, he answered his own question with "maybe God ate it!" I guess it's perfectly reasonable for God to snack on the thunder.

Some of his other funny sayings (at least to his parents):
ponytail holder = hair pony
to shave = raze (as in "Daddy forgot to raze today")
Snot Rod from the movie Cars = Hot Sneezer

And not to leave Aaron out, he has been cracking us up lately by throwing his pacifiers out of his bed when he wakes up. I know he's awake when I start hearing one after another hitting the hardwood floor. But when I go in to get him up, he has always reserved one to keep for himself.

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