Monday, August 31, 2009

Random Housekeeping Post

"Cleaning the house while the children is growing is like shoveling snow when it's still snowing."
- Erma Bombeck

I recently read this quote, and, boy, did it hit home! This is a complete diversion from my usual post, but I have been thinking lately about how to better manage my household, so I'm sharing what I have come up with and invite comments to see what works for others.

First, I have created a cleaning schedule. Obviously I'm not doing too well with it today since I'm on the blog and not cleaning our fun room like the schedule says. But the schedule also allows for some free time as well. Over the summer, Elliott has gotten less consistent about taking a nap. Today is one of the days when he apparently fell asleep during rest time. Other days, he rests in his room for a few minutes and then is back up. It was really throwing me when this happened, so I created a daily schedule to accommodate days when he doesn't nap. Part of that schedule is a daily cleaning routine.

In the afternoon during naptime, I work on my daily cleaning project. I broke our house into manageable parts, and I focus on one small area each day. Thus not becoming overwhelmed with cleaning the whole house during naptime, though quite frankly that never happened. So Monday is laundry and clean the fun room day. Tuesday, I clean the kitchen/dining room. Wednesday is bathroom day. On Thursday, I work on the bedrooms. And Friday is living room day. I also straighten up my desk and pay bills. Now, my system is not perfect and admittedly I get distracted some days, but it is helping me to feel better about my housekeeping. I also feel like I'm more able to do some deeper cleaning since I'm only focused on one room at a time.

I am also trying to do better about keeping up with the daily things. Elliott now helps unload the dishwasher every morning and sweep with our new Swivel Sweeper (a product recommendation for all households, but especially those with young kids).

I'm also trying to streamline my cleaning products. I use a spray bottle with 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 water to clean just about everything. It works on windows, mirrors, countertops, bathrooms, high chair name it. And I have read about using borax to clean toilets, so I'm going to try that when I run out of toilet bowl cleaner.

Another area that was bothering me was menu planning. I used to plan meals for each week. Now I've started planning meals for a whole month. I just print out a calendar from Word, look at our family calendar, and write in what's for dinner. I usually cook 3 times a week, so I start there. It's easy to make adjustments and I don't have to go through the "What's for dinner?" dilemma every week. And I think once I have several months done, I will just repeat them.

Well, if you're still around, you must be a really good friend or also in need of some household help. I really would like to hear what works for others. I don't see hiring a maid in my future, so I hope this plan works out for me. It's Monday...I better go clean the fun room and check on the laundry.


Rusty and Ann said...

Hey- I used to do a month of meals, but I kept getting thrown off by different things, like one meal not making it to leftovers or someone bringing me a million potatoes I needed to use up. So I do the weekly thing nowadays. I think your cleaning schedule is good, I do have a lady who cleans stuff for me, so no great ideas from me! We do have to mop the whole house everyday though, if that is an excuse! So, I'm not helpful. Hope your new schedule works for you! -Ann Caldwell. (somehow we're signed out and I apparently don't know the password since it won't sign me in!!! sorry to be anonymous!)

Rusty and Ann said...

never mind, it signed me in.....feelin' stupid now.....

Unknown said...

I am so impressed! No real suggestions to add, just accolades. Your organization is way more organized than my organization! :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, well personally I prefer a plan that involves incentives. For example, the prospect of the friend I invited over for lunch recoiling in disgust as she walked into my dish scattered kitchen provided me with the 'incentive' I needed to run around like a mad woman 30 minutes before she got here, overstuffing the dishwasher and sweeping cheerios and crumbs into the garage. And the humiliation I felt upon admitting to my mother that I don't actually remember the last time I cooked dinner for my family provided me with the 'incentive' that I needed to throw some chicken in the crock pot (which as you know is the base for about 4 of the 6 dishes that I actually know how to make.)

Anonymous said...

Wow, a whole month of meal planning? I'm impressed. I was already impressed when you said a week of meal planning, but you ramped it up to plan for a whole month? That's inspiring.