Monday, August 24, 2009

Lucky girl

Have I mentioned what a lucky girl I am? One more talent that my husband possesses is the ability to make these incredible chocolate chip cookies. He uses his mom's recipe so how could they be bad? The answer: if someone other than a blood relative makes them. Matt can make them. His sister can make them. I can not make them. I tried; I really did. And the ones that I made were fine, but they just did not measure up. In fact, after my first and only attempt at making these cookies, Matt decided that they just weren't quite right and proceeded to make his own batch. In the same kitchen. With the same ingredients. And, you guessed it, his turned out better than mine. So ever since that day at least 5 years ago, he has had the honor of baking the chocolate chip cookies in our household. (I can bake a mean snicker doodle though.)

This past weekend we had a baby shower for Matt's cousin and his wife, and Matt had the task of baking the chocolate chip cookies...because quite frankly, I am never making them again. In the process of measuring the ingredients, he pulls out this little silicone spatula and laughs about the story of its origin. You see, I had the larger spatula and really liked it. And one day around Christmas, I was doing some baking (not the chocolate chip cookies), and said, "I really wish I had a smaller spatula like this one for icing cookies." And then my husband disappeared, only to rejoin me moments later with a look of triumph on his face and the smaller spatula in his hand. He had gotten one to put in my Christmas stocking! So he was quite the hero and I got my present a bit early.

See what a lucky girl I am?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very lucky indeed! I firmly believe that real men are just as comfortable in the kitchen as they are in the garage....or say, standing in front of their fleet of grills ;)