Monday, February 23, 2009

February Favorites

The month in pictures...

Unfortunately this month my normally healthy family dealt with a bout of sickness that lasted for about 2 weeks. Everyone is now feeling much better. In this picture of Aaron with a rash-y face, it doesn't appear that he was bothered at all. (The rash did go away as soon as the pediatrician told me to stop treating it.)

The Return of the Rice Toy
This homemade toy filled with rice, beans, trucks, and measuring implements has finally come back into circulation. After several cold days, we needed some new activities so I pulled it out with strict orders for Aaron not to eat anything. The boys played for quite awhile before he disobeyed and the Rice Toy had to be put away, but I think it might be able to stay in the cold/rainy day rotation now. Please note Elliott sticking out his tongue while he measures. I wonder where it gets that from?

"Excuse me, Mr. Cheese?"
We finally made our first trip to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate cousin Sophia's birthday. Elliott was quite excited to meet ChuckE and wanted to get a hug from the giant mouse. He was very polite, using only one finger to tap on ChuckE's costume, and did, in fact, get his hug.

Boys and Guns
Elliott wanted to play the shooting game, and of course his daddy was game. In fact, this picture reminds me of a recent outing to the bowling alley and arcade where Matt and our friend Chris could be found in a similar pose.

"Nice to meet you, Bob."
Aaron is not yet walking, so ChuckECheese was a hard place for the little guy. He desperately wanted to be down on the floor, but it was quite crowded and not the time to explore on his hands and knees. I did, however, find that he enjoyed the moving Bob the Builder ride. So I snagged some of Elliott's tokens and kept Bob going until someone else wanted a ride.

1 comment:

ACES Wild said...

Yay! You blogged!! And look at this fresh new look. I love it! So creative! I love the pics of the boys. That first one of Aaron looks JUST LIKE Elliott. And I love the one of Aaron and Bob. So cute. Yes, Caleb was in awe of the gun games the last time we were at Chuck E. Cheese and spent a large amount of time "hunting animals." Boys....