Wednesday, February 25, 2009

20 Random Things about Matt

If you’re on Facebook, you have probably seen the recent rounds of 25 random things that everyone is posting about themselves. Well, I am stealing an idea from my friend Katie and writing 20 random things about Matt in honor of his birthday. I know I am short a few, so feel free to add some of your own in the comments.

1. Matt can cook, and not just on the grill. Before I left my job to become a stay-at-home mom, Matt got home from work first and he would always start dinner. Sometimes he still comes home and says he’ll cook dinner. What a treat!
2. He helps with the youth group at church. He went on a 12-day trip to Mexico last July with a group of high school student.
3. Matt has played the guitar for many years, and has recently started playing bass. I think it’s just because the youth group needed a bass player, but I’m proud of him for doing it.
4. He is in a band with the same guys he played with in high school.
5. He has been friends with some of these guys since he was 13. He is very loyal.
6. Matt really likes cookies.
7. He also likes zucchini bread, but not actual zucchini.
8. He makes up the bed at night before he gets into it. He likes the sheet to be nice and neat. I think this is because he is so tall that his feet actually come very close to the end of the bed. We cannot have a footboard for this reason.
9. Matt has worked for the same company for 10 years. Again with the loyalty thing.
10. He really likes to play golf. I think his retirement plans may revolve around how many times a week he will be able to play golf.
11. He also plays on the church softball team, but has relinquished the job of coaching this year.
12. Matt has a collection of cords and wires. This drives me crazy, but he assures me that he might need one someday.
13. Matt does not like to read. He probably reads one book a year. He enjoyed the Harry Potter series and read one book each year on vacation.
14. Matt is a very sound sleeper. He truly does not hear the boys wake up at night. Sometimes a swift kick helps to wake him though.
15. Matt is almost never wrong. If he says something, it is almost always true. It may not be exactly relevant to the argument/conversation, but it is usually an accurate statement. I have caught him doing this one time, and it brought me great joy. His friend Warwick keeps a tally on how many times Matt has been wrong. I think it may be up to 14 now.
16. My nickname for Matt is George. I don’t know why. Elliott is Fred. I don’t have one for Aaron yet. Matt calls me Lucy. Maybe I shouldn’t post this one in case we ever have to go into the witness protection program.
17. Matt is very gracious about providing tech support to the friends and family who call seeking his expertise.
18. Matt is a great friend.
19. Matt is an awesome dad! He loves our boys so much and always makes time to play with them. I can’t imagine a better dad for these two boys.
20. He is a wonderful husband…the perfect one for me. I love you, George! Happy Birthday!


ACES Wild said...

Two posts in one week...:)

How sweet! I didn't know the Davis' had alternative names. Also, I can attest to number 17. Thanks, Matt. I hope the high hats turn out well, even though Matt didn't want to share. :) Have a fun Matt's birthday together and date on Saturday!!!

Anonymous said...

Awww, your list was so much sweeter than mine was! Happy birthday Matt.

porchmom said...

How wonderful to have a wife say such nice things about her husband, especially with the husband being my son. Thrilled to know that he seems to be doing it right! Thanks, Kristin