Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Easter Eggs Galore

We had a fun time celebrating Easter this year. I finally remembered to buy some Resurrection Eggs, so we used those to talk about Jesus in the days leading up the Easter. We opened the eggs and discussed the symbols included from the Bible story. The first egg contains a donkey. There are others with a crown of thorns, a leather whip, a die, a linen cloth, a stone, etc. The last egg is empty to represent the empty tomb of Jesus. The boys enjoyed opening the eggs and finding these symbols. Elliott recreated the story using some of the symbols from our eggs and his Batman figures. It was really neat to watch him act out the story with things he had on hand.

We also dyed eggs and decorated them. The boys always have a good time and it's always fun to see what color our fingers will be for the rest of the day.

The boys had several opportunities to hunt for candy-filled Easter eggs. The first was at the park for a family reunion. The day before Easter, we celebrated with Matt's family, and we had a big shindig at our house after church on Easter Sunday. In case you're counting, that's 3 egg hunts. That's a lot of candy for those boys! (I did re-hide most of the eggs for subsequent hunts.)

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