Thursday, September 16, 2010


God must really be looking out for my nose. It's not a particularly attractive or special nose. Sometimes seasonal allergies attack it. More often though it is one of my children. Elliott's knee just connected with my nose as he launched himself to the other side of our pillow fort (or pillow fork as Aaron calls it). By my calculation that is 46 pounds of Elliott landing and pushing off my nose. And it hurts! This happens to me pretty often. You would think I would learn to protect my face from flying boys, or at least get one of those nose guards like the NBA players wear. Now that would be attractive!

Do other moms have this problem?


Kate said...

No. But other moms don't play in pillow forks either;) Sounds to me like it might just be the price you pay for being such a fun mom!

Rebecca Bryant said...

All the time! But it's usually Andrew's head making the contact with my nose. He throws it around a lot. I usually get hit while reading books with him in my lap.

ACES Wild said...

Caleb has head butted me more times that I can count. He has such a hard head. :)