Wednesday, August 4, 2010


My children are obsessed with Star Wars. We have been playing it almost non-stop for several days. Elliott is Luke Skywalker, Aaron is Chewbacca, and I am Princess Leia. Still working on the braids.

This morning we made little miniature Star Wars puppets by printing out internet pictures of the characters and taping them to craft sticks. It's getting nerdier and nerdier around here. I am supposed to be making more characters right now. Shhhh - I had to blog this while E is cutting out the pictures. He's working on fine motor skills though, so I'm counting that as school. :)

You can see the puppets in our play-doh creation of, you guessed it, more Star Wars. Clockwise from the top is the Millenium Falcon (or Molivian Falcon as some members of our family call it), Luke's X-Wing, Luke's house, and Darth Vader's Tie Fighter (in black).

Elliott did say a few minutes ago, "Momma, you're the best!" That definitely makes it worth it.

Oh dear, he's getting the play-doh out. I better finish making my little Star Wars people on sticks!


Mary said...

I was reading about a lego camp that is done now for the summer. But it was held at Lipscomb for 5 -13 year olds. It's called Camp Brick and it's all about legos! Check out for more information.

Kate said...

Will you home school Chris too? I think your curriculum would really hold his interest ;)

Traci Michele said...

So cute!

It's nice to meet you! Found you over at (in) courage. I blog over at Ordinary Inspirations: