Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Keepin' it Real

This is a snapshot of my life today. Pretty incredible, isn't it? The boys and I enjoyed a relaxing morning at home and then went to Elliott's gymnastics class, came home, put Aaron down for a nap, did Elliott's "lessons"...and then I remembered that tonight was the last night of our Wednesday night church class. Our church has dubbed November the month for "Teacher Appreciation" and since I missed the boat last week when we were supposed to honor our childrens' caregivers, I intended to make some baked goods for church tonight. (My love language is muffins, by the way.) So at about 3:30 I started making snicker doodles from a mix. I should have gone with my grama's recipe and started from scratch because the mix failed miserably. So on to plan B - pumpkin muffins. These were coming along much better until I realized that the batter would only fit in the bowl that was currently holding weird snicker doodle batter. On to dishwashing. At one point, I looked around the kitchen and realized that I had no fewer than 5 cabinet doors standing open and the dishwasher full of dirty dishes. I just had to stop and take a picture. I wish I knew how to label things in pictures, but among the open doors, batters, and dishes, you will also find a craft project that I'm working on for Elliott's teachers (it's on the stove), and Aaron's yogurt-covered pajama top from breakfast. And I didn't even take a picture of the other side of the room which is currently home to lots of little pieces of raffia from when Elliott decided to work on his scissor-skills. And where was Elliott during this baking fiasco? Was he working on some handmade educational craft project? Brushing up on his beginning reading skills? Perhaps sorting and counting? No, he was, of course, watching a DVD in the living room completely oblivious to the chaos taking place in the next room.

PS - this post is dedicated to Katie S.


lynn said...

love it!!!!

porchmom said...

love it!!!

Kate said...

OK Kristin...

You are seriously the coolest, most revolutionary chick I know. Putting a picture of your messy kitchen on your blog is to modern stay at home moms what bra burning was to repressed housewives in the 60s and 70s.

I'm feeling all liberated and inspired and whatnot. I'm ready to do something crazy, like not racing to beat you guys to our house next time we get together so I can make sure the toilets are all flushed!

Unknown said...

Katie - you always make me laugh! And if your house was that clean with a 10 minute head start, it couldn't have been that bad!