Friday, October 16, 2009


Thanks to Mary for coining the term "Elliottism." It's so appropriate for the funny things that he says. Here are a few of our recent conversations.

- We were meeting Mary (aka Mimi) at Chick-fil-a one day for lunch day (I know, I know, we eat there a lot). While I was getting our food out of the bags, Elliott turned around to a recently vacated table and picked up a newspaper. He then informed me that he couldn't read the paper without his glasses.

- Elliott finally got to chew his first piece of gum this week. I think he's finished a whole package in just 3 days since then...he obviously likes this new privilege. In the car yesterday he said, "I chew gum everyday, except holidays." Interesting. "Why is that, Elliott?" I ask. "Cause on holidays we eat holiday stuff and I won't chew gum on holidays." He is obviously a full-fledged member of his mother's side of the family.

- And tonight at bedtime I was telling Elliott that God has a plan for him. I said, "I wonder what God has planned for you?" Elliott responded, "maybe mushrooms." What? No, I said planned not planted. He was pretty much asleep at the time. Then he asked me where hippopotamus live. That boy is going to have some funny dreams tonight.


Rusty and Ann said...

He sounds like a fun kid to be around! Keeps things interesting at your house!

Kate said...

I don't think he misheard you. I think it was a prophetic word.

Elliot is going to be a mushroom farmer when he grows up.

....Or a hippopotamus.