Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Sharing a bit of my journal from January 7, 2009...

What a fun but bittersweet day. Aaron started standing up on his own today. He tried so hard to get into a standing position without help, and he was so proud of his accomplishment. We also went to storytime at the library today for the first time in probably a year. I was amazed at how well Elliott did, even when I had to take Aaron out (reminiscent of his big brother who was also unable to make it through the whole program). But not today. Today Elliott sat on the rug up in front and participated in all of the songs and did the hand motions to "Where is Thumbkin" and other songs that a year ago he could not do. I was thinking about how much he has changed in the past year. I remembered taking him to storytime and how my sweet little boy with the long blond hair sat on my lap, and I helped him with the hand motions. Now he is doing them on his own. The time sure does go by quickly. So I will continue to enjoy my fast-growing boys and thank God that I can stay at home with them and see all of these fun changes. And I hope that I will pay attention and not miss a minute of it.
I was sure that since I had already written this once, I wouldn't tear up this time. I was wrong. Now I must go find a tissue...

Look, Mom, no hands!


ACES Wild said...

Go Aaron Go!!

ACES Wild said...

I love Elliott's mean face. That is so cute. They do grow so fast. We are very blessed to be there for most of the action. And even more blessed to have good friends to share it all with. Love you guys!

porchmom said...

I need a tissue everytime I leave your house!