Monday, December 15, 2008


Elliott and I made a gingerbread house this morning. I asked him what his favorite part was and he replied, "Eating the candy...cause I really like eating candy." He seemed to also enjoy licking the icing from the beaters. He was very patient waiting for the sides and then the roof to dry so that we could start decorating. I think we have started a new Christmas-time tradition - what fun!


Anonymous said...

I'm so impressed that you actually made yours from scratch! Ours was a kit and it still didn't look that good!

Danny Bryant said...

I too am impressed with the gingerbread house from scratch! You guys did a fantastic job!! Joshua is enjoying pulling candy off our house and sneaking them.

Kristin said...

You girls give me way too much credit! It was a kit from Michaels. But I appreciate that you think I could actually pull off a gingerbread house from scratch!