Thursday, August 14, 2008

Chaos is sleeping

I thought it might be worthwhile to share where the title of my blog originated. In an instant message to my adorable hubby after a particularly challenging morning, I told him that “chaos is sleeping.” He thought that was so funny that he chose that title when creating my blog. I saved the IM conversation that occurred over a 5 hour period beginning with Elliott kicking his brother in the head. Over the course of the next few hours, I cut Elliott’s hair after which he ran around the house naked for at least 30 minutes while I talked to my Grama on the phone and she gave me pointers on how to correctly cut his hair. I told her that it was kind of like hitting a moving target, but the lesson continued. During this time, Elliott dressed up in a purple lei, a daisy tote bag, and a little green suitcase…all while still completely unclothed. Here is an excerpt from the IM conversation, “I had 2 naked boys, 1 crying, 1 naked, phones ringing all over the place cause dad was beeping in, being criticized for my haircutting… so in my infinite wisdom and masochistic tendencies, I told her [Grama] they were welcome to by here on their way home from the bank.” After all this, Elliott strapped me to my desk chair with the cord of his radio-controlled bulldozer while I sent an email for Matt’s mom who forgot to do so before departing on a blissful vacation to Hawaii. And then to top it off, Elliott recounts (hopefully not a true story) that his teacher at Mother’s Day Out spanks lots of kids at school and spanked him because he peed on the floor. At some point, you just have to laugh…possibly a hysterical, I’m-about-to-have-a-nervous-breakdown kind of laugh. So that explains why I have never been more grateful for naptime than on that particular day when finally “chaos was sleeping.”


ACES Wild said...

You are so not alone, my friend!! We share the same appreciation for naptime.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You have coined a new phrase that I predict mothers everywhere will be using by the year 2013...give or take a year. Its nice to know even calm and collected Kristin has those days too.

fabricsnob said...

girl, one day you are going to tutor me through this. maybe. Lord-willing.